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HKPCL at Washington University in St. Louis


John Parai

John graduated with a BS in Chemical Engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 2002. He returned to academia in late 2005 and is pursuing a Doctoral degree. His main interests include creation of complex catalytic nanostructures using laser deposition.

Personal Webpage
Email: john.parai@wustl.edu

Xiaolin Zheng

Xiaolin is currently a second year graduate student in the HKPCL laboratory. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2005. Her current research interests are working on single particle experiments as characterized by the TAP (temporal analysis of products) reactor system.

Email: xz3@cec.wustl.edu

Eugene Redekop

Eugene earned both BS and MS degrees from the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow in March, 2006. Eugene's research interests include Mathematical modeling of heterogeneous catalytic processes.

Email: er2@cec.wustl.edu


Joe Swisher

Joe is scheduled to finish his undergraduate degree in 2007 and is currently applying to graduate schools.  Joe's main research interests include fabrication of transition metal nanoparticles which can be further deposited onto innert and/or active substrates.

Email: j.swisher@wustl.edu

Ana Brjetchkova

Ana is in the BS/MS program graduating in May 2007 with both BS and MS in Chemical Engineering.  She has recently joined the HKPCL and is actively involved in with single particle experiments.

Email: aab1@cec.wustl.edu

Adam Grimm

Adam is an undergraduate student.

Email: atg1@cec.wustl.edu

Yoonsung Han

Yoonsung is an undergraduate student.

Email: yh2@cec.wustl.edu

Jeff Packer

Jeff is an undergraduate student.

Email: jbp4@cec.wustl.edu

Amy Vukovich

Amy is an undergraduate student.

Email: ajv1@cec.wustl.edu

Zachary Wegmann

Zachary is an undergraduate student.

Email: zjw2@cec.wustl.edu







Washington University

Dept. of Energy, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering

School of Engineering and Applied Science

WUSTL Homepage


Last update: Oct. 19, 2006